Sunday, December 4, 2011

What to do when your debit card is renewed?

My debit card expires the end of this month, And i got a new one from Lloyds tsb today for when my old one expires. Do i need to inform companys? Eg- Vodafone (For my contract debit payments) and paypal etc, Because of the dates on the card are different now? However the account number and sort code is the same, Or do i need not inform them?|||Yes, the card info needs to be updated. I will also say that most financial advisers do not recommend using your debit card for online purchases and such because when a debit card is used the money is immediately removed from the linked account and most banks do not cover any loss due to fraud. It is safer to use a credit card for online purchases and then pay it off each month.|||While the card number may be the same, the expiration date will be different. So every company that uses that information to bill you repeatedly needs to be made aware of the change. While some will tell you that they've noticed your card is about to expire, some won't and you'll get a rude surprise when the scheduled charge fails.|||You don't need to inform them except in cases where your card details are registered - example regularly paying your mobile phone bill online. They will be aware of the expired car and will invite you to register your new car. It is doubtful whether the long number on the front of the card is the same

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